End of Life Planning

Death and dying is a natural and normal part of our life cycle, and is celebrated in many societies across the world, more than it tends to be in the UK.

We all have the choice to embrace the inevitable, or to fear it. If we choose fear, and hide from death and what it means, our wishes may not be fulfilled.  I support people who want to experience a better death and leave this world on their terms. 

If you choose to prepare your final celebration, I can help you pull together the ceremony that you want. 

I can support you as we chat through your thoughts, wants, ideas and pull them together to create a ceremony that ironically you will be sorry to miss.  You may also have some concerns about your last party, and we can cover them too. 

Our meeting may not be when death is imminent.  As well as working with people who know their send off will be sooner rather than later, I can work with those who just want to tick a box and know that should something happen, their family and friends would not have to worry about making plans. 

It is a privilege to be able to support people talking about and facing their own death and I can help you to consider your wishes so that your ceremony will correctly reflect your values and spiritual outlook. 

It is an honour to get a first hand glimpse into fascinating stories, and be able to elaborate them with details from the horses mouth.

You will be able to sign off every aspect of the ceremony, ensuring that it resonates with you, and you feel proud and empowered, knowing that your voice will be heard.

Being organised means that are able to gift your family and friends with the knowledge that they don’t have to guess what you would want, whilst managing their grief.

I always wanted to help and support those in need, and people shy away from death making it hard if you want to talk openly.  I’ve been diagnosed with cancer twice, both times leaving me wondering if I would live or die, and I needed to talk and plan – so much so that my funeral is written and in a white envelope in the boot of the car for when it is needed – and I found it very cathartic truth be told.  Supporting people who are dying reminds me to live my life to the full, as life is so very precious.  This is perhaps the most valuable part of my celebrancy offering to me.  

My services for End of Life Celebrancy are split into two, script writing and leading the ceremony, so you can choose which service suits you better. 

Contact us for more information

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