Memorial Ceremonies

Why not remember your loved one in their favourite place?

If you are planning a memorial, you have much more opportunity to host this where you feel, or your loved one felt, at home. There is no limitation on where the service can take place, as long as you have the owners permission. Your garden, a favourite spot, a beach they walked the dog on, local park or favourite pub.

Please note there are limitations if your ceremony includes the spreading of ashes, I can talk you through this.

It is important for your wellbeing to think positive about your loved ones and celebrate them.

A memorial ceremony can help you and family members to be open about the feelings of loss and remember your loved one with a memorable service. 

Often, for understandable reasons, young people do not attend funerals.  Perhaps you want to get younger family members to write some words, plant a tree or create a legacy to celebrate life?

A celebration or memorial ceremony can take place at a venue of your choosing, and can be as formal or relaxed and laid-back as you like. Any vibe and any venue is a possible

You can write your readings, or I can write these for you, and I often meet children who want to write their own, which is very touching.

I will be there to guide you through the ceremony, and support you throughout your planning journey.

What is offered for a Memorial Ceremonies?

  • Initial introduction call / email to arrange a detailed ceremony planning meeting (medium of your choice, though I do suggest in person)
  • Support with ideas and proofreading of readings and content
  • Creation of a customised personal ceremony script, with your input. I often suggest separate getting younger family members involved at this stage to help them understand grief and the mourning process
  • Unlimited edits of your service
  • Ongoing open communication including finalisation of ceremony logistics (this can include all parties involved)
  • Speaker for music on the day if needed
  • Ceremony professionally performed on the day

For more information to be sent to you direct please click here

Please remember: You must get the landowners permission